Key principles of the Mediterranean diet

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Take a look into Mediterranean diet pyramid (or triangle). 

As you can see, the base of the pyramid/triangle consists of food that should be eaten in the largest amounts (whole grains, vegetables, nuts, fruits, legumes, beans, seeds, herbs).

Eat it a lot, daily. Some physical activity every day is a must. 
No, you don’t need to do heavy lifting at the local gym, but a 30 min. daily walk will help. 
The next level (2-3 a week) is reserved for fish and seafood that should be eaten 3 times a week. 

They will provide you with Omega-3 essential fatty acids. 
Poultry, eggs, and cheese are the third level, and you should consume them once a week. 
However, it is not a catastrophe if you eat a chicken meal twice during the week. 
At the end, red meat, processed food and sweets are on the top of the pyramid and they should be consumed minimally, or not at all. 

Drinking water is a must. 

Additional key principles At least once a week, build meals around beans, whole grains, and vegetables, and heighten the flavor with fragrant herbs and spices—fully without meat.  
Include sources of healthy fats in daily meals, especially extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, olives, and avocados. 
The American Heart Association recommends using healthy cooking oils such as canola, peanut, and safflower.  
Include whole grains that are naturally rich with many important nutrients.  

Instead of daily ice cream or cookies, save sweets for special occasion once every ten days. 

Choose from a wide range of delicious fresh fruits — from apples and oranges to pomegranates, grapes, and strawberries.  

Herbs and spices make food tasty and are also rich in health-promoting substances. 

Season your meals with herbs and spices rather than salt.  Have a glass of wine at dinner. If you don't drink alcohol, purple grape juice may be an alternative to wine.

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