Questions and myths

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Is it expensive? 

If you plan properly, you will buy only what you need during the week. 

Many ingredients can be bought in bulk. 

Since you should buy a lot of vegetables and fruits, focus on the ones that are in season in order to get the best prices. 

Fresh fish fillets might be expensive to buy, so you can buy frozen supplement fish. 
The only difference is olive oil or seed oils that are a bit more expensive. 

In general, this diet is not expensive, and I wrote this book to present the most affordable recipes. Mediterranean diet is a fad diet Is it popular? Yes, very popular in the Mediterranean region. 
Also, it is very popular among cardiologists and other doctors. 
However, it is not one of those fashionably diets for this session. 

How it is possible to have a diet but eating all types of food? It is possible, because it is not natural to fully exclude all kinds of food. 
The point is to limit the weekly amount of some types of food and to maximize healthy choices. 

Is it hard to follow? Well, if you hate vegetables and fruits and adore red meat, it could be hard for you at the beginning. 
However, from the experience of my friends (and my personal experience), things are much better after week or two. 

What are the benefits of Mediterranean diet? According to researchers, there are many benefits of this diet, but the key ones that you will find in every blog, book or website are the following: Reduces risk of type II diabetes, depression, anxiety, and certain type of cancers  Reduces body fat, 
high blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL)  Reduces risk of death from heart disease by 72%  Increases good cholesterol (HDL) and longevity  Improves mental function, mood, and the look of your skin  Safeguards against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
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